Get ready to take control of your hormones and get a clear understanding of how to overcome major hormonal havoc!
Gain a clear understanding of perimenopause and menopause and what you can do to get through it all while feeling your best!
Overcome the three major hormonal changes that take place during perimenopause and how to thrive in spite of it all!
Get the hormone testing needed for better insight into how to reclaim your body and experience real hormonal health!
How to get started with your personal wellness strategy for hormone health
Your own YogaBellies Menopause Wellness plan to take home with you
I'm hosting this free webinar, because as the founder of YogaBellies, I understand that we need to embrace our life stages and changes - on and off the yoga mat to stay vibrant and well. As a 41-year-old woman, I know that my body and mind are changing daily - and not always in a way I'd like!
But you know what?
I'm embracing getting older and I know first hand that it doesn't have to be tough.
As women, society dictates that we need to be 'eternally youthful' - and we can be - but on our own terms and in a way that doesn't stress us out and actually makes us feel better about ourselves instead of comparing ourselves to the worlds impossible beauty standards!
With a regular hormone-balancing yoga practice, the correct hormone-positive nutrition and a life of yogic self-care, you can enjoy life after 30! I have more energy now than I did when I was 20, and I know that its down to just a few simple lifestyle changes.
I'm a 500 E-RPYT and have trained hundreds of yoga teachers in the YogaBellies® style of pregnancy yoga over the past 15 years. I am also a health coach, naturopath and lover of whole foods! YogaBellies® is a unique style of yoga that I created specifically for women, making use of the yogic practices best suited to support us through the emotional, physical and psychological changes we experience throughout life.
I've also been featured in:
Get yourself back in the zone ladies! I hope you can join me!
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