Why smoothies are AWESOME and why they are a great way to kick-start your yoga lifestyle off the mat
Which blenders or kit to use at home
5 simple steps to make any smoothie
Bioindividuality and why smoothies are a custom health prescription just for you
Some quick and easy smoothie recipes to get you started
I'm hosting this free webinar, because as the founder of YogaBellies, I understand that what we put into our bodies, affects how we feel on and off the yoga mat. I hate synthetic shakes and diets with a passion and love whole foods and I want to show you how easy it is to get the good stuff into your body. When we're feeling demotivated, we turn to eating junk (me too!) and this is an awesome to quickly inject some energy and vitality back into your life!
I'm a 500 E-RPYT and have trained hundreds of yoga teachers in the YogaBellies® style of pregnancy yoga over the past 15 years. I am also a health coach, naturopath and lover of whole foods! YogaBellies® is a unique style of yoga that I created specifically for women, making use of the yogic practices best suited to support us through the emotional, physical and psychological changes we experience throughout life.
I've also been featured in:
Get yourself back in the zone with easy smoothies ladies! I hope you can join me!
Questions/Troubleshooting: cheryl@yogabellies.co.uk|
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