welcoming with love: your yoga student onboarding planner

If you’ve never come across YogaBellies before, we’re all about making women feel better: About their lives, their bodies, and themselves. If you’ve downloaded this guide, you’re probably already teaching yoga or perhaps you’re wondering if you can feasibly become a yoga teacher, as your sole source of income.

My answer to you is absolutely, Yes.

download here

When I started YogaBellies, I had been working as a Business Analyst full time and had taught yoga for my friends for free, for years. I never thought it could be my career but ultimately, that was my dream: To teach yoga, do what I loved and spend as much time with my gorgeous baby boy and hubby as possible. That was my dream and I made it happen from my spare bedroom but a new baby. You can do this too.

What Can I Expect From This Planner?

One of the most important things I’ve discovered about running a successful yoga business is that first impressions count. I want you to show your clients your best possible self and that you are the right teacher for them. I see so many incredible yoga teachers, who don’t get the visibility and success they deserve because nobody shows them how to put themselves out there!

This 42-page planner is going to help you put in place simple systems and processes for your yoga business that will mean less boring admin and more time spent on doing what you love: Teaching yoga.

So please enjoy your download and be sure to let me know how it helped you.

Namaste, Cheryl xo

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